How to Enjoy the Lowest Prices on All Your Favorite Podcasts and Audiobooks

Did you know that Amazon now has over one hundred and fifty million downloads? That is impressive, but how does it stack up against other podcast directories? In this article, we compare Amazon’s audio book selection to other online retailers and directories and recommend where you can get the best value for your money.

You can start free trial with audible or Pay $7.95 for your first 4 months as audible pro, and your membership will allow instant access to the thousands of books, audiobooks and podcasts available through Amazon. Subscribe today and start listening immediately. This low-cost membership available to end of November 21, only for eligible customers. 

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Podcasts are a great way to enjoy audio books while you commute to and from work, as well as listen while you’re on your own. To listen to your audiobooks through the Amazon Audible Plus program, select “P podcast.” A list of available podcasts will appear. Select “listen now.” To cancel your membership and get a refund, simply return to the page where you obtained the audiobooks, click “Cancel,” and follow the same easy steps as you did when you signed up for the Amazon Audible Plus program.

Amazon does not advertise the audiobooks or the amount of savings when you purchase the books or the specials. However, you can learn about special prices, promotions, and links to audiobooks and other titles by visiting the Amazon “obiles” section. (The section is also available in Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish.) You can also sign up for any of the email newsletters offered through Amazon.

You can listen to audiobooks and podcasts at any time that you want. To do so, just select “episodes” from the left pane of the “My List” – which is also located on the main menu. You can change the titles and genres of the podcasts and audiobooks as often as you like. The only way to cancel an audio or a podcast is by clicking on “Cancel.” Once you’ve canceled, you can return to the list of available premium selections again. If you’ve changed the selections, you’ll need to reschedule your order again.

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With Amazon’s newest offer, Amazon Audible Plus offers free audiobooks and podcasts every month for six months straight – automatically. No need to sign up or to pay anything! If you’re already a customer, simply sign in, choose your free titles, and begin enjoying them! You’ll only have to make a one-time payment if you’ve chosen the “premium selection” (which is the best price, of course, but you won’t miss out on any of your favorite titles). After your first six-months is up, you’ll be offered another six-month membership deal for free!

You can cancel your Amazon Audible Plus membership anytime. Visit the Amazon main site, click ” Cancel” located on the upper right-hand corner and follow the simple instructions. A link for “Manage Your subscriptions” will appear. Simply click on it and follow the easy steps. You will automatically be removed from the list of active subscribers. If you wish to cancel your subscription, you should do so within the 30-day free trial period.

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